Research methodologies in community medicine

Our team evaluated international health policies on the ground of national healthcare and disease control policies; and national policies on comparisons of health systems and time sequences.


In particular, we contrasted, the performance of health systems that abided by international standards with that of those which did not - on indicators and interviews of patients and professionals.

To explore health systems productivity, we relied on the managerial knowledge gained in healthcare services.


Here come two references synthetizing our health policy research methodologies


Unger, JP., Morales, I. & De Paepe, P. Objectives, methods, and results in critical health systems and policy research: evaluating the healthcare market. BMC Health Serv Res20, 1072 (2020).


Jean-Pierre Unger, Pierre De Paepe; Patrick Van Dessel; Alicia Stolkiner. The production of critical theories in Health Systems Research and Education. An epistemological approach to emancipating public research and education fromprivate interests. Health, Culture and Society. Volume 1, No. 1 (2011) | ISSN 2161-6590 (online). DOI 10.5195/hcs.2011.50|


A paper on heuristics and health management research methodology

Unger, JP., Morales, I. & De Paepe, P. Medical heuristics and action-research: professionalism versus science. BMC Health Serv Res 20, 1071 (2020).

Papers on specific aspects of policy research methodologies


Dujardin B., Van den Ende J., Unger J.-P., Van der Stuyft P. Likelihood ratios: a real improvement for clinical decision making ? Eur J Epi 1994; 10(1): 29-36.


Unger J.-P., De Paepe P., Ghilbert P., Green A. Letter. Relevant research for health systems management and policy. Lancet 2004; 363: 573.


Van der Stuyft P., Unger J.-P. Improving the performance of health systems: the World Health report as go-between for scientific evidence and ideological discourse. Trop Med Int Health 2000; 5(10): 675-677