Community medicine education

Publicly funded medical schools and schools of public health can support medical professionalism and promote the biopsychosocial and patient-centered model of care. Here are a few orientations. 


Unger JP, Van Dessel P. Reorienting academic missions. In: Unger JP, De Paepe P, Sen K, Soors W, editors. International health and aid policies; the need for alternatives.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010:155-63.


Some managers, more than others, need continuing education tools adapted to the requirements of medical professionalism, that of all caregivers. These are the directors of hospitals, the heads of departments and the heads of the territorial health administration. A long time ago, almost forty years ago, we developed and tested in Senegal a methodology for the transmission of clinical and public health knowledge intended for them.


Unger J.-P., Daveloose P., Bâ A., Toure Sene N. N., Mercenier P. Senegal Makes a Move towards the Goals of Alma Ata by Stimulating its Health Districts. World Health Forum1989; 10(3/4): 456-463.


The more particularly pedagogical aspects of this experience were described in a separate publication.This Senegalese experimental program of continuous medical education for district medical officers combined clinical and public health concepts.


Public Health Research and Training Unit of the ITM. The Training of District Medical Officers in the Organization of Health Services: a Methodology Tested in Senegal. Health Policy and Planning 1989; 4(2): 148-156.


Why is coaching so important in continuous medical education and transmission of medical professionalism ?


Unger J.-P., Ghilbert P., De Paepe P. e-Letter. Continuous medical education with(out) coaching? British Medical Journal4 May 2004;


To rationalize the teaching of clinical and community medicine, it is useful to distinguish the types of knowledge - know-how, empirical, practical and theoretical knowledge, according to a classification of Piaget - because their transmission has specific requirements.

 (in French)


Buron A., Unger J.-P., Van Damme W. L’apprentissage dans la formation d’adultes. Le cas de la formation des médecins généralistes. Ann Soc Belg Med Trop 1995; 75 Supplément 1: 13-25.


Why should clinical and public health education be combined (with examples from LMICs)? (in French)


Unger J.-P. Qu’attendre d’une amélioration de la formation des médecins généralistes dans les pays en développement ? Ann Soc Belg Med Trop1995; 75 Supplément 1: 7-12.